Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Success Doesn't Come Easy

(Overcoming the worry in order to conquer the dream)

“Struggles were sustained in pursuit of a dream that defeated many men. For, those who followed through understood Gods promise through Hebrews chapter ten.”

For, he who steps away from that of what he became accustomed to in order to pursue a path less traveled by men shall gain the respect from those who travel the path lead by many because he is different. He harvested a dream that he was not afraid to pursue and he became eminent in the craft of which he perfected through his diligent efforts and toils. For, what was a vision given by God became a dream pursued by man. What became a dream gave life to a journey that would lead him straight to what was envisioned possible of becoming reality by the spirit living within. For, the sight through the flesh alone could not have allowed him to attempt the impossible. Oblivious to the obscurities of the world hindered the blessings that would soon come had he not been lead by faith instead of that of what he had saw before him. For, what he saw would have only been a mirror of what he would have became had he not possessed the faith in his Father in Heaven to allow him to live the dream he dreamed. He prayed for a plan and God made a way. He planted the seed, which was the dream he was given and it was watered by those whom he met along the way. The more people who assisted in their own attempt to harvest his dream God allowed that of which was planted to grow. For this man was not worried about how or when his plant would produce a fruitful harvest because he understood that only God can deliver His promise so long as man does his part as God works behind the scenes. He understood that in order to reap the benefits of his harvest that he would have to remain obedient to the laws that God commanded before him. He goes above and beyond that of what close friends and family believed in and he begins a journey no one knew would soon become possible. For, he alone did not get to where he is going by sight alone. He had his Father in Heaven guide him every step of the way and allowed certain individuals whom he met along the way to achieving his dream foster his success. He went from being an average Joe to become a legend! He had to go through the struggle and overcome the worries, for he knew it was a test so he is giving God the glory. 21

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