Tuesday, December 30, 2008

About Me: The passion for music exposed

“Born as a boy then matured to a man. Through my struggles gained progress in pursuing Gods plan.” 21

I am a 21 year old aspiring producer from the DMV area. I enjoy listening to many genres of music with no limitations of the ethnicity behind the sound. Often times in order for me to become motivated in making a new hot track the first 30 seconds of a song must send chills throughout my body in order for me to sample that particular track. I can produce any type of beat but I mostly enjoy sampling old school tracks. I think anyone can do anything if they put their mind to it but it’s the creativity level that allows one to stand out from the rest who pursue the same craft and be an eminent entity. Most people who hear my beats ask me what do I use to make my beats and here is my answer for that. Since I do not have the sufficient funds to purchase the proper studio equipment that most producers use now a days for production I have to use Fruity Loops to record my tracks. It isn’t the best software out there but it isn’t the worst either. Sometimes you have to manage with what you have until you are able to afford what you need to achieve the dream or passion you have. I’ve been doing beats now for 2 years. I started in 2006 and have been pursuing it off and on up until now. I was first inspired to become a producer when I was working at Best Buy in the year of 2006. My good friend Cameron who was also a colleague of mine at the time use to play 9th wonder and J. Dilla instrumentals on the PC’s at work while we assisted customers in selling PCs.

I never really found interest in working in retail or working for someone else in general. I always wanted to find my own God given talents and make a living off the proficiencies that God had blessed me with prior to my birth.

“All men are created equal but every man’s unique purpose in life allows him to be different then the man next to him. A man was created with a purpose in mind, for this mans purpose alone he can’t find.” 21

It wasn’t long after hearing a few tracks from these, what I consider pioneers in the game, that I found out I also possessed the gift to hear an old school track and be able to rearrange the whole track in my head before I could add my own percussions behind the foundation. What, at the time was a hobby ended up becoming a passion, and what was once a passion ended up becoming a dream that I am now determined to pursue. When I first started making tracks a lot of folks didn’t really believe that I would qualify to become one of the next hottest producers of my era and often times said the dream I had wasn’t a realistic lifestyle to pursue. Doubt from those who I considered friends at the time often discouraged me but I didn’t allow someone else who didn’t have any goals or ambition to be the one to spoil the dream that I had. Instead of taking criticism the wrong way it only motivated me to work harder at my craft so that one day no one would doubt me and the only thing I would hear from those who didn’t believe me would be, “You not signed to a label yet? Dude let me get on one of your tracks.”

I have come a long way since the days of harsh critique with the help of close friends, family and above all God. I am still on a journey to making a name for myself and discovering all of the talents that God has placed in me. Right now my main objective is promotion and networking so that not only my friends know about me but everyone knows that just because the DMV area hasn’t really brought out to many talented folks in the music industry doesn’t mean that they do not exist. In my opinion there are a lot of HOTT producers and artists in the DMV area but we are often over looked and don’t really have enough support to gain the proper recognition to be put on with the right people who can make a change and get us discovered. We can’t blame others for why we don’t see movement in our lives or area because all it takes is one brave soul to step out of his comfort zone in order for many to follow the path he walks. I give all my thanks and glory to my Father in Heaven because if it wasn’t for the trials I endured in my life I would not have a testimony nor success level to advocate to.

The trials and struggles that I’ve endured have only been a blessing for me. I know that at the time of dealing with hard times it would seem hard to consider bad times a blessing but I realize that had it not been for struggling to barely make ends meet that new windows of opportunities in my life would not have been presented and if it had I would not have been prepared to accept.

“He lived through the trials and overcame the worry. For, he knew it was a test so he’s giving God the glory.” 21

Through the pain I’ve endured I’ve been able to build a relationship with God and been able to develop water walking faith. I am not yet where I want to be in my musical career as of yet, but I know that as long as I walk in the shadow of my Father in Heaven that all the desires of my heart, my dreams, prosperity and success will come when the time is right. It is Gods promise to those who remain diligent in pursuit of there dreams and obedient to his decree.

“For, we know that tomorrow isn’t promised today but we must toil hard today to reap the benefits of the promise tomorrow.” Through God all things are possible and the promise that man can’t deliver to his fellow brethren God will deliver to his child." 21

As I look back at what I was to what I’ve become and where I am headed in my life I’ve learned that the main reason I have not been happy about my lifestyle was because I was so focused on living up to the image of what the world wanted me to be rather then what God had created me to become. It took understanding and wisdom through the spirit of man that allowed me to acknowledge that a man’s blessing isn’t gained from his own toils but because God was there to assist that man in his efforts. We must all learn to glorify God in the good times as well as the bad times because He deserves to be acknowledged at all times. If we gain all of the hearts desires but remain unhappy can our riches buy emotional satisfaction? Happiness and any emotional comfort that one seeks comes from our Father in Heaven that is why we pray when we need understanding or need spiritual comfort when things aren’t going the way we anticipated. Only our Father in Heaven can provide each one of us with the proper guidance so that we will know the “whys” to our questions about life and learn how to overcome our struggles. Don’t come to God only in times of distress because the same way you ignore a homeless man when he asks you for change just because he doesn’t have anything to give to you in return for you providing him in his times of needs will be the same when you need something from God. Unlike humans God will always deliver and answer your prayers but it won’t be on your time. God is merciful and sovereign and when he makes a promise it is good as done.

You must understand that the reason you feel how you do right now and are never completely satisfied with your decisions in life is because you have no proper guidance. You are relying on your own morals and belief in what another man can do for you then what God has promised you. By thinking that a man who breathes the same air as you can allow you to gain the desires of your heart only hinders the blessings that God has in store for you. Don’t put your faith in a man who will see death and be judged just as you will when you are no longer living. Learn to live the way God intends all of us to live and that is through the image of man who lives a Christ like life. Do, what you know is right and learn to resist temptation and falling captive to sin. Even though we were born into sin does not make us a product of sin. We learn to leave perpetual habits behind only when we allow God to enter into our lives. Allow God to fill you with the Holy Spirit so that you can become attuned to what God is trying to say to you so that you can develop a sense of direction of where you are headed so that you don’t end up in dead end jobs and feel as if you are just wasting your lives away.

Remember God created the Heavens and the earth and all the creatures before it so He knows the beginning and the end of times and how you will be living in between those times. Don’t let the obscurities of the world be the reason you end up wasting your time in pursuing what it is you love to do and to have lived for nothing when your time is up. Be the trend setter of your time and be a role model in someone else’s life. The worst feeling in the world is living with regret of not pursuing your dream in fear that you may not make it when all you had to do was try.

“If you fail to try then you prepare to fail. A man who is hungry doesn’t wait for food to be delivered to his door he goes out and get it.” 21

Our dreams may be larger then others and more creative but no matter how big or little or average your dream is why not prepare and do your due diligent in allowing you to live what only your heart desires. Don’t allow your current situation or financial statuses prevent you from living the life that you dream of having. You only live one life and it’s up to you whether you live a dream you never thought would become reality or live a mediocre lifestyle dreaming of how you would want to live. Understand that just because we don’t see the sun during the storm doesn’t mean it isn’t there behind the clouds. We must learn to let go of our problems and allow God to rejuvenate our spirits, cleanse us from our ungodly ways so that we all can enjoy the fruit of our harvest today, tomorrow.

"The trials and struggles that a man endures in his lifetime is only a test. For, he understands that his Father in Heaven is preparing him to receive Gods best."21

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