Monday, December 29, 2008

"In Pursuit"

“A man pursued a dream one day that was a desire of his heart. Without God and proper guidance in his life he didn’t know where to start. He had to leave his comfort circle you see to follow his Father in Heaven. Through his faith he will make it far in his life taught in Hebrews chapter 11.” 21

The dreams we have are never too large to pursue and we should never neglect our God given talents just because we lack in our faith that God will make a way for each one of us to live a better life some day. We should all rest assure that if you have God leading the way that we will arrive to our destination on time, no delays and no curse. For, if we seek Him whole heartedly we will have proper guidance and will reap fruitful benefits from our harvest. Everything gained in our lives will be a blessing under one God but everything gained under the sun will become a curse, this to is meaningless. Nothing is impossible for God and all things that are impossible for man alone to achieve will be possible only by Gods will for our lives. Each one of us has a purpose that we must pursue in our life. Find your purpose and pursue the dream that you were given. Nothing or no one is stopping you but yourself. You become your own enemy when you hold your dream captive from being pursued. If you don’t believe what I speak of then observe my own life’s experience of where I came from to where I am now to where I will be. For, I have sought and found that a mans struggle in life is like walking through quicksand to get to his destination but when God is there by your side he lifts you up and places you on solid ground. My success has not yet come but will soon arrive and when it has you can’t say I didn’t tell you so. God is good all the time and we must learn to give him the glory and thank Him in all that we have and will gain. Learn to let go and let God and allow the dream to become reality.

"For, what a man will lose for his toils in pursuit of his dream hinders the blessing that he will gain. For, what will be lost is more important to he who lacks understanding that what will be gained is far greater then that of what he already had. Gods promise is as good as the reason of your existence. For man was not created without a purpose in mind, for this mans purpose alone he can't find. Seek Him who created you to find out what it is you are called to do while you still breathe life. Don't procrastinate, initiate and you to will gain a fruitful harvest in all that you do."21

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