Thursday, January 1, 2009

The End Gives Birth to A New Beginning

The End is The Beginning of Something New

Blessed Through my Trials gained Progress through my Struggles.

“A lot has been lost in order for more to be gained; though the struggle seems consistent my faith in God shall remain!”21

I understand as a human I was born to do wrong even when I try and do what’s right. I guess it’s apart of being born into a world of sin. I know that the things that I’ve done thus far in my life that caused grief or pain to those who showed care can’t even compare to the pain that I endure today. I feel so much regret for the actions I chose to live by in past that is effecting my present. Today is a gift and I cherish every second I live in it but I still have a pain in my heart that must be removed in order for me to move forward to the blessings God has for my future. I’ve made mistakes and I’ve done things I knew would leave trails up unto my present, but I ignored the obvious to pursue the satisfaction of the moment. The long term effect for living by the rules I created for myself against that created by my Father in Heaven was regret, guilt and self hate which I alone can not remove from my heart. Only Through my prayer of repent for my sins and accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior can remove this burden.

As I dwell on the choices of my past, as I endure the struggles in my present, there are so many things I wish I hadn’t done. For, I do not wish to undo what I’ve done because as I now see it, it’s just a learning experience that one must undergo in order to mature to the next level in life. A baby doesn’t learn to walk straight without stumbling a few times or having help and proper guidance to remain erect in his walk. I’ve stumbled far too long relying on lies and others to keep me from falling. It’s time to let go of everything I’ve become accustomed to and let God replenish my spirit, heart and my walk. I no longer wish to talk about the plans I have or the ways I intend to achieve them, for talk is cheap. I am ready to remain silent, listen to my Father in Heaven and walk without looking back or going astray from His path. The past has many regrets and curses but my future has many blessings waiting to be given through my obedience today. I will consider every trial a blessing and turn each of them into testimonies for others to reference. For, the struggles were indicative to progress through many trials in order to gain success.

I’m ready to become a blessing in another person’s life rather then remain cursed in my own wicked ways. I’ve sought to find a sovereign God who could restore my spirits and emotions so that I could never refer to my past and think of ways I could’ve of lived right in order to hold on to the things I had. Maybe the things I once possessed were never meant to remain because only God knew from the start He was only preparing me for something much better to be gained. For, he who was given a gift from his Father in Heaven took that gift for granted because he didn’t know how to cherish that of what was given. For, if what he once was given wasn’t taken before he could actually learn to cherish it then the next time he is given something he wouldn’t understand the feeling of loss and how to cherish what was given. A lesson unlearned is a lesson repeated. We either learn the first time we are punished from our own mistakes or remain stubborn in our own attempt to learn from them. I must learn to remain patient, perfect my God given proficiencies and remain obedient to Gods decree.

In Jesus name I pray that My Father in Heaven protects me and keeps my walk erect so that I may be able to resist the temptation and live for Him and fulfill the purpose of which He created me for. Success, prosperity and a life lived full of blessings and the desires of my heart shall be gained under your chaperone. For, the toils and struggles in order to receive the blessings shall be gained as you are my leader and Father in Heaven watching over everything I do and guiding me every step of the way. Those who oppose me will respect and look up to me for they have played a major role in being that of what they chose to become and through there indifferent ways assisted me in fostering my success. As the old saying goes sticks and stones my break my bones but words will never hurt me. For, I know that the words they speak are not that of what man speaks it is words delivered through man from the enemy. For, he knows that God is getting ready to take me to the next level in life and bless me with the desires of my heart. My Father in Heaven, protect me in everything that I do and from those who oppose me. I live to serve you and serve to pray for those who don’t fully understand your omniscient ways as I am becoming well aware of. I love you Father God and thank you for my struggles and allowing me to triumph them. You have taught me many lessons in 2008 and in 2009 the blessing you have for me will be mine. In Jesus name I pray